Should your plans change, be sure to inform within the following guidelines for a refund of your deposit. A cancellation number will be given to insure proper return of the deposit. If the cancellation does not meet guidelines, the deposit will be retained.

For early checkout, you are responsible for the entire reservation and will be charged as such if the remainder of the reservation can not be re-booked. If unsure of the policy, contact the resort for clarification.

Please note a multiple room reservation is added together for the total of "reserved nights". For example, two rooms reserved for four nights would be 8 reserved nights. For this example, the 8 reserved night's cancellation period is 14 days.

Reserved Nights Cancellation prior to arrival

Cancellation : within 7 days will result in 25% deposit

Cancellation : within 24 hours will result in full loss of payment


When you cancel a booking and are entitled to a refund then we will instruct the refund right away. The processing will take between 2-4 weeks until the whole amount shows back on your credit card statement. Reasons for this are the billing cycle of your credit card company and processing time of the bank. The refund amount depends on numerous factors such as the hotel's cancellation policy, time of cancellation and processing fees. For more details see cancellation policy above.

In case a reservation that you make is not confirmed, we will not charge you anything on your credit card and release the whole amount that was held on it immediately. Now after we do this, it will still take a maximum of 2-4 weeks for the bank to process this and for the money to show back on your credit card.